Fixed fullscreen mode when compiled with a newer OS X SDK A few fixes to the Xcode projects for OS X Added extra checks to resolution setting to avoid potential leaks or crashing. Work around fix for games trying to change scu mask from slave sh2 when using hle bios. Added screenshot feature to Android port Fixed miscellaneous memory leak/uninitialized variables. Added inline SH2 assembler function to main emulation code. Fixed crash when bin is not found in a bin/cue.
There are quite a few changes and additions to this version with many new translations. Posted by LyonHrt 04:21 PM CET | Comments: 0 | SaturnĪ new release of Yabause has bee released to celebrates Sega Saturns 20th birthday since its first release in japan. Thanks to all of the testers, translators and patrons of Nova. SYSTEM: Supported adding user data to an event. SCU: Added checking of PPAF register read access while DSP is executing.
SCU: Added checking of DSP delay commands conflicts.
SCU: Added restrictions to the DMA add values. SCU: Added timing for interrupt sending of INTC. SCU: Rewrote the DSP RA register handling. SCU: Rewrote DSP commands and opcodes mapping. Nova the saturn/titan emulator for windows, has updated to 0.3 Posted by LyonHrt 06:17 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn